The key to a good gym t shirt is it has to fit well and be super comfortable. No crazy tight spandex suits for me. Nothing like Brad Pitt sported in that Coen Brothers film, "Burn After Reading." (I call that the loony bin t shirt, cause it reminds me of a straight jacket.)
And definitely, no corporate tees! Gym time is relaxation time!!!
OK, I admit it, I’m obsessed, so I promise this is the final word on this topic! Theory C is recession-inspired. It's that people are just faking that they work at those companies, when really they got the shirt at the Salvation Army. But then why are they working out at such an expensive gym? Have you seen NYHRC’s monthly rates? OK, scratch that theory!
One thing I can say for sure is for those who've been laid off, it's not healthy to wear the t shirt of your former place of employment. It's highly suggested to burn those tee shirts and curse your former boss while dancing around the flames as cotton burns. Sounds very cathartic, maybe we should start a Facebook group? Anybody want to get that one started?
My last theory is that people in our society are work-obsessed and feel guilty about leaving the office. So this is just another way of having work infiltrate every nook and cranny of their existence, of swearing loyalty to the firm round the clock. Americans! What’s next, working out in your suit and tie?
Don’t like that theory, eh? Put up your dukes!
When it comes down to it, everybody likes wearing a free t shirt no matter its origin, so I'll stop bashing something I sometimes do myself.
The bottom line is if it works for you and makes you feel on top of the world like this t-shirt, wear it!